642-982 DCUCD
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design Specialist
Exam Number:642-982
Associated Certifications:Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design
Cisco 642-982 Exam Topics
Describe Cisco data center virtualization solutions
* Describe the elements of Cisco data center virtualization
* Describe the advantages of Cisco data center virtualization
* Given a particular customer business and technical environment,
describe the advantage of a Cisco data center virtualization
* Identify the Cisco services available to design, install and maintain
a Cisco virtualized data center
* Describe how Cisco data center virtualization solutions enable policy
Evaluate an existing data center infrastructure in light of a Cisco
data center virtualization solution
* List the most relevant technical data points to identify in
converting an existing data center to a Cisco virtualized data center
* List the most relevant business data points to identify in converting
an existing data center to a Cisco virtualized data center
* List the most relevant environmental data points to identify in
converting an existing data center to a Cisco virtualized data center
* List the most important historical performance characteristics to
examine when converting an existing data center to a Cisco virtualized
data center
* Given an existing data center, pick the most appropriate tool that
can perform data center recon and analysis
Cisco 642-982
exam is an indispensable component of the Cisco certifications which
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